Base Configuration

The default package configuration file is located under vendor/webklex/php-imap/src/config/imap.php and consists of a multidimensional array.

It's recommended to copy the config file into your project config directory and modify that version instead. Otherwise you might not be able to update the package in the future.

Default date format

The default date format is used to convert any given Carbon::class object into a valid date string. These are currently known working formats: "d-M-Y", "d-M-y", "d M y".

Property: date_format
Value:    "d-M-Y", "d-M-y" or "d M y"

Default account

The default account identifier. It will be used as default for any missing account parameters. If however the default account is missing a parameter the package default will be used. Set to 'false' [boolean] to disable this functionality.

Property: default
Value:    Any of your under "accounts" defined account array keys

Available accounts

Contains a list of all available and therefor predefined accounts you might want to use within your application. Please take a look at the account configuration section for more detail.

Property: accounts
Value:    List of predefined accounts

Advanced fetching configuration

Contains a list of all available and therefor predefined advanced fetching options you might want to use within your application. Please take a look at the advanced configuration section for more detail.

Property: options
Value:    List of advanced options

Event configuration

Contains a list of all available and therefor predefined events you might want to use within your application. Please take a look at the event configuration section for more detail.

Property: events
Value:    Lists of registered events

Mask configuration

Contains a list of all available and therefor predefined masks you might want to use within your application. Please take a look at the mask configuration section for more detail.

Property: masks
Value:    List of default masks